yesterday afternoon when all the older lundby kids went out to play with friends, mrs. lundby decided to visit christine, because she wanted to know how the idea with the lonely hearts announcement worked out. (and she also was a bit curious about the villa - but pssst!)
fortunately christine was home after work and had the time for a little talk. she told mrs. lundby that she had another idea for the "menhunt"! when she bought the house she knew she has to rent out the lower part of the house, because she doesn´t need all the space and she also needs the rent. so she will make a announcement to hire out the appartement with a search for a male roomer - isn´t she clever?

christine´s dachshunds piff & paff were very interested in baby, but baby first was a bit shy... but look it tryed to stand on the sofa to get a better look on the dogs! mrs. lundby is very happy about that. baby often comes to briefly with four elder siblings and so it´s good to see, it is going it´s own way.
later on christine showed mrs. lundby the appartement. it´s crowded with furniture the previous owner left and christine bought with the house. she doesn´t like anything in here, but maybe the new roomer will use it first? she also needs a kitchen...
she also would like a man with a car - the garage is so empty! she is going to work by bike but she´s dreaming of a car, too...
when baby started to stand in the buggy to look for piff & paff, it was time to go home...
christine promised mrs. lundby to call her soon when she get´s some answers on the announcement.
on her way home mrs. lundby was thinking about the lovely big villa and all the space christine has just for her own needs and about the lovely modern lether sofas...
and christine went into her big house just with piff & paff at her side and thought about how cute baby was and that mrs. lundby is a lucky person with a lovely husband and a bunch of children...
and they both thought how good it is to have a friend!
credits: the house is the lundby stockholm mansion, the most furniture are original lundby from the 70s, some from the 80s. dolls: christine/lundby, mrs lundby & baby/caco, so is baby´s buggy. piff & paff are playmobil. there is also an unknown birdcage in the corner of the livingroom (info´s about it are welcome).