Freitag, 22. April 2016

Playful Raindrops

There will be a new Blythe doll in the house!

It's really been a while since I got my last Blythe. It's been in April 2015 when River arrived and since then I focused more on new (designer) clothes for the Dollily doll family...


But when I saw this promo pic of "Playful Raindrops above", I was excited and wanted a new Blythe after a long time of releases I found boring and unappealing.

I love the outfit - The dress and her cute raincoat, the sweet hairbow, her boots...
The only thing I am not sure about is the hair colour! They wrote that it will be honey blonde and I pre-ordered her at so I had no idea of the real colour.

On some pics it looks like yellow and on some like a kind of orange... I hope it will be more yellow-ish in the reality! But one thing is sure it is no honey blonde ;)
Anyway I am looking forward to the new member of the Dollily doll family and hope she will arrive soon.

What do you think about this new release?

All pics are not mine and the rights will stay with their owners!

Sonntag, 10. April 2016

Indigo discovers Prenzlauer Berg

My latest attempt to connect Blythe and Berlin led Indigo and me to a nice part of 
Prenzlauer Berg around the Kollwitzplatz/Kollwitzplace, the so called Kollwitzkiez.

This quarter is known for lots of families and nice shops. If you want to be hip & cool, you also raise some kids and your income is high enough, you have to move to this part of Berlin ;) 
Indigo wanted to play with the kids on the playground but I wasn't sure if she would survive!


We really liked these simple doll houses and also the cute Lotte Sievers-Hahn doll house dolls. Unfortunately too small for Blythe sized dolls!

Sure, you also can buy nice fashion and other cool stuff here! This shop was called: 
In bester Gesellschaft - To be in good company. A nice corner for crafty people, because they can rent a little space to showcase & sell their self made designs.

Also absolutely interesting: Der große Wasserspeicher - The big water reservoir at the Belforter street! Indigo wanted to rent a flat here :D

One of the shops which reminded me a lot of my little shop Püppilottchen
Die Kinderstube - The nursery


I had a nice little chat with the shop owner and meanwhile Indigo was trying some Blythe sized furniture from Maileg, Denmark. So very awesome and well made! If you are interested in more please check the Maileg homepage. Some of these cute furniture are really perfect for Blythe dolls and I am sure the Dollily dolls need some of them for the new life in Berlin soon :)