Mittwoch, 31. Januar 2018

Blythe Flat Lay - January

I recently found a group on fb called "Blythe Flat Lay Challenge".  I really appreciate this idea because it gives me a good reason to take a themed pic of my Blythe dolls each month! 

January was: "New Year, New Challenge" And if you have read my last blog post you will know my goals for this year!

Have a nice week, yours Nicola

Dienstag, 23. Januar 2018

Blythe resolutions & belated pictures

I am sorry for how long it has taken me to update this little space finally... 

What to say? Other things were more important for me... like a new job... my family... and so the poor little Blythe dolls stood in the Billy shelf and were covered with dust. 

Meanwhile 2018 appeared and a new year is useful for some kinda dolly-resolutions:

1. Write at least one blog post each month
2. Search for themes to take special pics 
3. Take really good pictures of the dolls with my Canon
4. Make more stuff for the dolls
5. Order more accessories, like shoes, stockings, hats, glases...

Despite my lack of posting here I haven't totally stopped playing with the dolls... or making things for them... or taking pics... sometimes :D

Here are some from a calm walk I made with Andrea in July last year. We visited Schönower Heide near to Berlin and it was so relaxing and enchanted... Just me and my doll and the nature *sigh*

I hope you all had a fantastic start into 2018?!

Yours, Nicola