Montag, 28. März 2011

The Lundbys become famous...

Last winter some students of architecture from the university of Weimar discovered my picture of the Lundby´s home at flickr.

They asked me if they could use it for the cover of a magazine they make, called "Horizonte" (Horizons). Yes, sure :)  - I was so proud they asked me! And don´t ask Mrs Lundby! She is still speechless being on a magazine cover! 

It´s a very interesting and special magazine and i didn´t read everything, but a bit of this and that... The layout and design is very stylish and there are a lot cool pictures and illustrations inside:

They used diffent kinds of paper and there are parts with folded pages - All in all the magazine is design at itself!

I really like the idea of this livingroom in a suitcase - maybe ít´ll be an inspiration to make one...
