Montag, 28. März 2011

The Lundbys become famous...

Last winter some students of architecture from the university of Weimar discovered my picture of the Lundby´s home at flickr.

They asked me if they could use it for the cover of a magazine they make, called "Horizonte" (Horizons). Yes, sure :)  - I was so proud they asked me! And don´t ask Mrs Lundby! She is still speechless being on a magazine cover! 

It´s a very interesting and special magazine and i didn´t read everything, but a bit of this and that... The layout and design is very stylish and there are a lot cool pictures and illustrations inside:

They used diffent kinds of paper and there are parts with folded pages - All in all the magazine is design at itself!

I really like the idea of this livingroom in a suitcase - maybe ít´ll be an inspiration to make one...


5 Kommentare:

Vintage Lundby hat gesagt…

Wow, that's great! Congratulations! The visual effects are really cool. The Lundbys must be so proud. :^)

Pubdoll hat gesagt…

So fun, the cover is amazing, I love how they combined the interiors!
Congratulations to the Lundbys!
Seems like dollhouses are very popular these days :-)

My Realitty hat gesagt…

Very cool! Fame comes again to the dollhouse world! Cheers C

pueppilottchens-spielzeug-blog hat gesagt…

Thanks Vintage Lundby & C. :)

@Helene - Thank you, too :) And you are right, doll´s houses are getting popular more and more!! Good for us, we started to collect before the rush began ;D


Petra hat gesagt…

Das ist schön! Man wird irgendwie so aufgeregt durch dies Interesse, stimmt's?
Ich denke ja auch immer mal wieder über Ausstellungen nach - einfach nur, um nicht so viel in der Wohnung zu haben und um den Sachen noch andere Aufmerksamkeit als über das Internt zukommen zu lassen.
Aber die anderen Themen meines Lebens überlagern gerade alles. Kommt also, wenn's kommen soll.
Ich finde die Collage des Titels auch sehr gelungen, da können wirklich alle stolz sein.
Liebe Grüße