Samstag, 26. Februar 2011

70s doll´s fashion for Kruse dolls

Recently i found some pictures of cute Käthe Kruse "Hampelchen" in chrocheted and knitted 70s doll´s outfits in bright colours and with lovely details:

I love these old magazines, books and tutorials to make doll´s clothes :) They often show which kind of fashion was hip at that time and also reflect the spirit of the time in the mini version.


2 Kommentare:

mara hat gesagt…

oh sweet!!
japp japp bin rumgetiefelt aber hab nichts dreckig gemacht. ((=
ich vermisse euch schon!langweiliges hannover
*** mara

My Realitty hat gesagt…

I love crochet on dolls. Usually it means some one is loved by their Grandma. Cheers CM