Today I´ll show you the Lundbom´s bedroom & livingroom - Enjoy!
The beds are from my childhood (they belonged to the Lundbys before they had the "Blue heaven" bedroom.) All furniture, the carpet, the picture and the alarm clock are Lundby - but I think the lamps are from other companies (any information is welcome). The little perfume bottles are made by Bodo Hennig.
Most of the other furniture and accessoires came with the house, accept the (unknown) kitty on the vanity (she is a fleamarket find) and the bedside table lamp, it was in my stash...
I LOVE this "belling deer" paintig - so very cool and kind of retro-stylish :)
The livingroom was exactly furnished this way when I bought it - It shows a big range of items Lundby showed in the 1975 catalogue some of them as "NEW", like the sofa, armchair, the white glass cabinet & table called "Salon Elegance" (# 9518) and i really adore everything!
Only the little (unknown) bird cage, the phone (unknown) and the frog on the fireplace (kinder surprice egg) and the TV set (Lisa) aren´t Lundby things.
And look the Lundboms have some cute litte puppies, their boxer Perdita just gave birth to two tiny boxer ladies called "Pippa" & Polly"... And the kids love them!
I hope you liked the 3. part of the house tour :) ?? Yours Nicola